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3D Transparent Concept Super Car

3D Transparent Concept Super Car

Regular price R 289.00
Regular price Sale price R 289.00
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Toys & Games A NEW TECHNOLOGY CAR FOR KIDS : This New Transparent Concept Racing Car with 3D Flashing Lights car with functions: Forward/ Backward, Stop Will make your Kid Happy and Fun.

UNIQUE DESIGN WITH BUMP & GO CONCEPT: A Bump and Go toy is a mechanism which is often autonomous, where toy changes direction when bumped into an obstacle. Whenever the car will face an obstacle it will change its direction automatically and start moving forward. This feature makes this toy very popular among children.

GEAR DRIVING EFFECT: Its amazing Color Lights and Gear Shifting Increases Children's observation ability. Rich color. Increase children's cognitive ability. Moreover its Fun to Play. Gear drive effect. Increase children's observation ability. Rich color. Increase children's cognitive ability.

INCREASE CHILDRENโ€™S COGNITIVE ABILITY : Luminous cars with colorful LED lights support your baby's intellectual development, would improve your baby's hand-eye coordination, is a good family game and will help the parent-child relationship.

Gear drive. Increase children's ability to observe. Rich color. Increase children's cognitive skills. Luminous cars with colorful LED lights support your baby's intellectual development, would improve your baby's hand-eye coordination, is a good family game and will help the parent-child relationship

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